App Icon for Mental Shift

Mental Shift

A revolutionary mobile app to shift your mind from distress to balance.


Illustration of person in distress, sitting with arms around legs and head on knees.

Find the root.

Illustration of thorny tangled ball representing the root of negative thoughts.

Change it.

Illustration of a tree with a light at the top and the branches extending out into scales. This image represents a balanced way of thinking.
Button that says 'Try now'.

Core Belief Discovery

Uncover negative thoughts with conversation.

Start the conversation

App conversation, asking 'How are you?' with reply 'not so good...'.

Talk it out

Two speech bubbles indicating a conversation.

Find the core belief

'I am not good enough'.

Thought assessment

Explore and reflect on the impact of this thought.

Identify feelings

App conversation, asking 'How are you?' with reply 'not so good...'.

Be acknowledged

Two speech bubbles indicating a conversation.

Evaluate thought

'I am not good enough'.
Button that says 'Try now'.

Challenge belief

Question your assumptions and enlighten your perspective.

Answer questions

App conversation, asking 'How are you?' with reply 'not so good...'.

Open your mind

Two speech bubbles indicating a conversation.

Find balance

'I am not good enough'.

Balanced thought

Create a more balanced alternative.

See revelations

App showing revelations that were found in the conversation.

Create a balanced thought

Illustration of hand writing out balanced thought, 'Failure in one area does not define me. I've had success in other areas in my life.'

Get feedback

App giving feedback on balanced thought.


Revisit sessions and thoughts over time. Observe how your feelings about certain things change positively over time.

Button that says 'Try now'.